A Day In The Life

By Irish59

End of Summer

The US has celebrated the first Monday in September, Labor Day, since 1894 when President Grover Cleveland made it a federal holiday. Americans don’t agree on much these days but most of us would say Labor Day officially marks the unofficial end of summer • Kids have returned to school, daylight hours are noticeably less, outdoor shadows lengthen by day, a coolness has crept into our nighttime air, revealing ripened red apples and orange-hued pumpkins, knowing every hummer you see could be your last, until spring • It’s been raining all day and should continue through the evening. Drip, Drip, Drip. We love the sound of rain falling off the roof onto the plastic watering cans lined up underneath. Tap, Tap, Tap, they go. The constant drumming, no matter the tempo, is very soothing to listen to • Let’s hope for a joyful and peaceful week ahead :)

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