
By dunkyc

Good things

The adage has it that they all come to an end and so it was as the summer holidays (for the wee ones) and my own leave from work entered into its final day.

With the weather inclement none of us were inclined to venture too far afield, so we wandered into town for some pants for The Youngest and a sharp haircut for m’boy. The Eldest and The Youngest met us separately, and as the rain fell harder we sought refuge in Bob & Bert’s for consolatory cake, tea and juice.

Most of the day was screen-based and when a seismic scuffle broke out over Mario Kart, I was very pleased with the calm fashion in which I handled it. Fences were soon mended and where there was once annoyance and raised voices, there was now joking and laughter.

I’m not sure that Mario Kart (effectively based on destroying everyone in your path) was the best precursor to The Eldest’s very first driving lesson, but judging by the comments from her instructor “we even did some second lesson stuff”, maybe it was?! We were all delighted to see her start the next phase of growing up and she has found the perfect instructor for her. The Eldest has a big year coming up, in addition to the driving lessons, she is now entering her final year of school! Very proud of her.

The wee ones were shortly collected by their mother and The Eldest deposited back with hers, which left me with a curry, some shirts to iron and Jurassic World: Dominion (which I was glad came to a close - it sure took its sweet time.)

Good things may come to an end, but that must mean that other good things are starting all the time.

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