
By dunkyc

Hard choice

It is a curious thing this ol’ life. At once seemingly random yet somehow also cyclical and for some full of self-destructive repetitive patterns.

Fortunately, we have the wonderful benefit of free will. The power to make our own choices. Whether we make the right one(s) or not is an entirely different conversation, but the point is that no matter how desperate our circumstances may be, how terrible we may feel and regardless of whether we believe we have the power to choose, the simple fact is that we always do.

Sometimes it takes a lot of bravery and courage to make a choice, because as we all know the right choice isn’t necessarily always the easiest, but that is how we learn. We learn that sometimes the hard choices we make in the present, however painful they may be, are the right choices and more often than not are the best things for us and those who surround us. We learn that the hard choices we make which result in a tear today have paved the way to draw a smile tomorrow.

Without wishing to jinx anything - and speaking as someone who has made more than their fair share of bad decisions - I feel that I have been making a lot of good choices lately and no, they’ve not been easy and yes, I’ve needed to leave the safe haven of the comfort zone, but it has paid off and I think that my little world and those in its general orbit, are all the better for it.

Having felt so small for so long now, I think I might, just might be growing up? Fortunately, I have discovered an antidote for this which is a compound of the opening bars of ‘Billie Jean’, a sticky dance floor and half a dozen Woo Woos.

Until such time as the antidote is delivered, here’s the view looking out from inside a ruin*.

*I know what I said.

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