Ar Ddydd Sant Cwins

Ar Ddydd Sant Cwins ~ Upon Saint Quince's Day

“And gentlemen in England now-a-bed/ Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here, / And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks / That fought with us upon Saint [Crispin's] Quince's day.”
—William Shakespeare (Henry V)

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Cawson ni ddiwrnod llwyddiannus yn ymladd y cwins.  Mae mwy nag ugain cilogram i broses, gyda ni ac maen nhe'n ffrwythau caled. Rydyn ni wedi cael trafferth gyda nhw yn y blynyddoedd blaenorol.  Eleni  rydyn ni'n defnyddio dull sy'n cynnwys, torri gyda chyllell, sleisio gyda pheiriant, coginio gyda phopty pwysau, a suddo gyda pheiriant (eto). Weithiau rydyn ni'n hongia'r ffrwythau wedi'i goginio mewn bag jeli, dim ond ar gyfer amrywiaeth.  Mae'n ymddangos fel dull ennill. Mwy yfory.

“Y mae pob peth yn barod, os felly y byddo ein meddwl.”
—William Shakespeare (Henri V)
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We had a successful day fighting the quinces. There are more than twenty kilograms to process, with us and they are hard fruit. We have struggled with them in previous years. This year we are using a method that includes, cutting with a knife, slicing with a machine, cooking with a pressure cooker, and juicing with a machine (again). Sometimes we hang the cooked fruit in a jelly bag, just for variety. It seems like a winning method. More tomorrow.

“All things are ready, if our mind be so.”
—William Shakespeare (Henry V)

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