
We've done nine locks today; 6 broad and 3 narrow locks. The broad locks include the Bunbury staircase, two locks together, where we passed a boat in the middle. This caused some consternation to the skipper of the boat we were locking up with - lots of shouted instructions on what to do when we opened the middle gates. It's like Tetris with 50 foot long, steel pieces.
It's nice to get back to narrow locks, the same amount of work but far less walking around the lock to set paddles and to close and open and close gates.
I also had a chat with the guy from the fuel boat, I helped him through a lock as we were behind him. He talked about the current canal closures - lots - because of the water shortages. He's of the view that it's because the resevoirs have been poorly maintained (canals don't run on drinking water, different resevoirs). 
Sorry to hear of the Queen's death. I'm neither a monarchist nor a republican but, like most of us, she's been a constant. And any death is a sad event for family and friends.

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