
By Bob20


Mother: Come on children, jump!!

Duckling peering over:

It's alright for you to say that mother, we watched you fly down. By the way, how did you do that?

Mother: Don't be a wuss!

Duckling peering over:

Do you know how far it is? We've only been out the shells 15 minutes and you want us to commit suicide!!!

Mother: It's only 3 feet!!

Duckling peering over:

We're only an inch or so long! If we were humans that would be the same as them jumping 200 feet. I suppose you expect us to survive that do you? And when are you going to teach us to fly?

Mother: You're ducks, you have to jump to get to the water.

Duckling peering over:

You mean we have to learn to ****ing swim too. Now you are joking.

Mother: Stop arguing and jump!

Duckling peering over:

Why did you choose this stupid stone trough. No privacy, right outside their window. They've watched everything you know. Any sensible duck would have nested by the water instead of in their garden.

Mother: I'm getting angry!

Duckling peering over:

Best jump you lot, close your eyes and flap those arms like your life depended on it!! On my count of 3 1,2..........

The ducklings made it!! Nature amazes me every day. How did mum know they would be fine?

I thank Lazooligirl for having inspired me through her great blogs to tell you about these new arrivals. They arrived at 7.30 this morning, but I have been unable to upload them as I had to go to Sheffield first thing and I have only just arrived home. I was wanting them to be blipped "hot out the eggs!"

Thank you for all the great comments on yesterday's Moonscape.

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