Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Proud Feather

I'm glad so many people seemed to enjoy the humor/humour theme. I am beginning to think more people come to my journal looking for jokes (of various quailty) rather than the photos.

I loved every single mono entry, even those who took the optional route. I decided going in that I would limit myself to ten hearts and ten kudos. So, I did it my way**


PeteWpics  Russian dolls
DonnaWanna dialogue
ninniex  tish..
Annie staircase
Kersko On the floor
H0tamer boot
c1aire Organ Donation
mambo sisters
LauriesPictos porta pottys
Lesmark knock, knock

Major kudos
Kd Bicycle Petals
heanku knock, knock
KangaZu kayak
JacZero door
MollyG sluggish
snapso barman
JohnRH taxi
Maureen6002 the landing
davidc knock, knock

Next week's theme is "APPENDAGE" and the tag is #MM451. "Think laterally" My goal during this two week stint of hosting is that fun comes before anything else.

In other news...waiting for some rain from the edges of Hurricane Kate. No big deal for us but western Mexico, Baja and southern California have, or will soon, get pounded.

“I like work. It fascinates me. I sit and look at it for hours”
Q: How Do You Make An Egg Roll?
A: Give It A Little Push!

bugsman (2):
Did you hear about one flower who went on a date with another flower?
It’s a budding romance.

What did the flower say after he told a joke?
I was just pollen your leg!

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