A day in the life

By Shelling

Roof tiles

A friend of mine had asked for help with his roof. His plan is to mount solar panels up there but first the roof tiles needs to be removed, that's what he needs help with. Me and U, from my area, had also said yes to help him and we went up to the north of my island to where his summer house is, originally it was one of the station houses for the now closed railroad.

We were six people in all, my friend reckoned we'd do the job in about three hours -we did it in one and a half. He'd constructed a slide for the tiles from the roof to  the ground as you can see, each tile weighs about four kilos, I received, lifted and moved each and every one of hundreds of them so I guess I have a right to be tired in my arms tonight. 
I like working together on projects like this  where we work out the routines, everyone has their job to do and after a short while we find the rhythm together, that's why it was done in such a short time too. Three of the people helping was climbing about on the roof, removing tiles and they were all in their early twenties, that's another reason it went quick. 

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