Midnight (cat)

Daughter in Oz has now bought a trail cam like mine!
Her first attempt showed a chunky possum in the back yard!

Just looked at my trail cam shots for the night I brylcreamed Midnight with the coconut oil. So, in 10 hours the trail cam took over 500 one minute videos, and ran the batteries down.

What were the videos of?

A breakdown :
475 one minute videos of midnight vigorously cleaning every inch of himself.
25 one minute videos of Midnight sleeping.
The rest were of the fox and badger.

It was hard work going through that lot.

But the best video was the last one, in colour, in daylight.

Midnight is waiting for me to get up, I was late, slept in.
Next shot he hears me and instantly looks towards the door I am opening.
Then, bottom two shots, with the speed of lightning he leaps off the swing and high tails it to the door.
So, this is my creative for today, a collage.

Please note the neat brylcreamed parting all the way down his back is still in place....

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