Midnight (cat)

I had been researching what I could put on Midnight's skin, because where it had been very matted when he first came to me, it was still dry and flaky. Coconut oil appeared to be good for just about everything externally on a cat, as well as just about everything internally for the cat. (I am going to explore this for humans next...)

So, I am sitting next to Midnight on the swing, starting with his head with the coconut oil, rubbing it into every bit of skin. Midnight was okay to start with, but then he thinks what is this, and tries to groom it off. 

He is so occupied with grooming it off, that he takes no notice of me rubbing this into his skin. I am finally finishing every bit of skin, (nearly an hour later), when Midnight suddenly realises I am responsible for this oily stuff he is trying to groom off himself. And he gives me the most impressive blood curdling snarl.

Well, I did something I shouldn't have done. I laughed, because it was so impressive. I knew he meant it, it was just a one only time warning to me, no more chances, that if I touched him one more time with coconut oil, he would shred me from top to bottom.

His poor little face was so confused. He had given me his best most impressive snarl that should have sent me running. And I laughed. He was actually emotionally upset and hurt that I laughed.

He wouldn't talk to me after that, no friendly eye blinking, I wasn't allowed to touch him, or put my hand anywhere near him.

Bedtime came, and he was still ignoring me. He refused supper, turned his head away from me. I wasn't allowed to say goodnight.

This morning, he was in overdrive with the friendly slow eye blink, and I was invited to stroke him from top to bottom. And I was invited to put food down for him. He was being so so friendly.

Creative is the two things that made me laugh at Midnight yesterday. His impressive snarl, and his new look. He looked as if he had been Brylcreamed to within an inch of his life. A natural mid way parting of fur had occurred down his head, and also all the way down his back to his tail. My hand is a bit wobbly for drawing, so this is my best effort...

His fur this morning however, feels soft and silky as though it has been conditioned well. It was very worth that effort yesterday.

The article I read about the coconut oil, suggest I rub it into the cat's fur daily...

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