Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

In Memory

...of the victims of 9/11/2001

Most of us will never forget exactly where we were when the first horrible news came, or when we realized that it wasn't some freak accident of air traffic control, or when the first tower crashed down, or the images of people jumping from the tops of the towers, or people running through the canyons of lower Manhattan fleeing the storm of debris that was all that was left of several thousand lives.  

And some of us will remember the unearthly stillness that existed in Manhattan for so many weeks after the attacks, the smell of smoke, the dust and debris, the thousands of "Missing" posters on subway platforms, firehouses and streets.  The mournful sounds of bagpipes.  The world, I believe, felt a shared sense of violation, of disbelief, of grief.  But time passes and life continues.  Until this day every year when some of us remember.

Today 4 Monarch butterflies emerged from their chrysalids in my "nursery" and owing to the rains, they will be released tomorrow in memory of those who perished.  

Never forget to tell people you love them, to give a hug, to take a moment to just be.

“Grief is the price we pay for love.” - Queen Elizabeth II after 9/11


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