Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

fun fotography

This is a fun foto for farious reasons.

firstly, it was taken with the help of 3 very small people - each having their own opinions of how to capture a ballerina in the rainy garden

secondly, it was taken with the gift they gave me recently.  (It is actually a very very small children's camera) - I look forward to seeing what blip calls it in its camera description.   Plus not sure if the date is correct even though this was taken about half an hour ago

thirdly, the instructions are in either japanese or chinese so we had to wing it (and trust me 3 kids guessing what that 'button' is for, is hilarious

So even though, its out of focus, it was drizzling in Dublin and just a tiny breeze, all 3 of them said nana is a great photographer (I had to buy them a tangle twister to get that concensus).

Doing things with children is great gas, but you havta lose the perfectionism and just have fun

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