Diluain: Monday: Montag: Lundi:

It seems to be 19:45 already, but I am not sure how the day disappeared so quickly. 

Anyway, the lower half of the house has been cleaned. Laundry has been done. Errands run. Gaelic and Russian studies moved on. 

I even ventured into the realms of thinking about a holiday next month... then I read another Blipper's comments on the carnage he suffered at Edinburgh Airport. 

I decided to make something good for dinner, and came up with my version of bruschetta. Only the olives and the Parmesan did not come from Fife. Then I came up with the idea of dessert after I saw all the brambles in my garden while I was out picking the basil. 

Brambles, melon and kefir. Simplicity, but wonderful. 

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