
That is me finished with work for a week. Things were under control very nicely at the Office - working alone is good for that - until about 3.30pm, when someone dumped something on me because she had forgotten about it and it had become urgent. 

That got my blood pressure up nicely. 

Anyway, I have survived much, much worse. 

My plan is to be on the road for 8am tomorrow, so my evening has been about trying to get as much as possible ready for tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed, please. 

I found a couple of vintage items at the back of the cupboard where the iron is kept. Worth a Blip for obvious reasons. What I have not remembered (yet) is when they were dumped in that cupboard because the age of digital cameras had arrived. Sometime around 2008 or 2009? 

I have two because Junior would take one when he went off on holiday with his mum, or on a school trip, or whatever. 

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