Busy day...

... but I did get quite a lot done.
Set up a new printer to replace the 12 year old one that finally had to go.
Picked 3 large boxes of quinces from our tree, hoping to relieve the weight a little on its drooping branches. I should have thinned out the fruit earlier in the summer, really. Lesson learned for next year.
Met Eben from school, stopped off at Ruth & Josh's briefly & managed a little catch-up chat with Ruth before taking E to his swimming lesson.
After that - came home for tea, cooked by Richard, and made a chocolate cake for Josh's birthday tomorrow.
The image is from a spot I've blipped before: a little patch of community gardening, turning an unloved patch of verge into a miniature oasis. I pass it on the walk to E's school and it always cheers me up.

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