
Today I decided to go to Kendal, a town I haven't been to for years, and it has changed-the top floor of the shopping centre is full of empty shops-the college is moving in so I was told.  I was looking for the indoor market stall that sold frames and mounts for my photos.  This stall was no longer there!  I decided to go to Kentmere and see the reservoir.  The River Kent was part of our River Studies,  but never got there.  The road was narrow and the road was blocked by an oncoming HGV and with managed to reverse the HGV passed.  I got to the hamlet of Kentmere, their church could be seen for 'miles.' Looking at the time I needed to return.  No luck today, but never mind I did get some different photos. I stopped in a lay-by and notice this flower, I had never seen before, and missed the bee.  Tomorrow is another day and I hope we all have a good weekend.  Camera club tonight-can anything else happen?

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