Glued to the tv

I have (like many millions of others) spent most of the morning glued to the tv coverage of the Queen’s funeral. It was beautifully choreographed and very poignant watching the dignity with which her family carried themselves under the public eye.

We took Phin for a walk after lunch and finally found space in a car park at our third venue - Roslin Glen. He had a good romp through the woods and enjoyed his swim so much he had to be coaxed out with biscuits!

Spent an hour or two back on my ripple blanket after dinner and felt compelled to watch The Queen starring Helen Mirren and have now moved onto The Crown.

Slept well last night but am still tired so another early night beckons.

Snapped Mr PHL enjoying one of his hobbies, watching one of his shows on the iPad whilst browsing art supplies on his phone. Thanks to Anniebell for hosting.

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