Beech Nut

A sunny and bright day here, with a gentle breeze. We walked in Hamilton Wood this morning and met the horse and rider that we previously met unexpectedly, giving Geordie a fright, causing him to bark, which in turn frightened the horse, which reared and almost unseated the rider. The rider and I both apologised at the time, and she told me today that her horse has been frightened of dogs since then. She brings it down to the edge of the wood and walks parallel, but apart from the wood, so the horse can see dogs, but feel safe.
I have little experience with horses so was surprised and felt bad that the poor horse felt frightened of dogs as a result of the surprise meeting and Geordie barking. We all got such a fright that day, but it’s sad there are repercussions for the poor horse. Geordie was already terrified of horses. He was actually fine with the horse keeping pace with us and a few metres away in the field today. Maybe it will have done them both good to see each other today without feeling threatened.
I have spent the afternoon on the sofa with a hot water bottle, reading. I’m just feeling a bit achy after painting atop a ladder with little support at the weekend. I’m getting to old for this decorating lark. Thankfully all the painting at Debbie’s is done and looking good.
We’re just off out for a walk around town now.

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