We had a fabulous night out last night at Bangkok 7.  Our tble was booked  for 7 so we left just after 6, just in case of delays.  No delays but our usual route which means going to the car park at Booths and the going underneath it to come out near M&S and park down library road.  Well to our horror we got to Booths, the top car park was OK but they had closed off the underneath one  eeeekkk!!! How do we get to Library Road now.  I didn't like to stay in that car park as weren't using Booth's and that wouldn't be fair.  So we parked up whilst I had a think and then it came to me, just go back out, head out down Lowther Street onto  Blackhall Road, past the Bus Station, turn left, then next left past MacDonald's and there we are.  Good job we had plenty of time.  Quite a few people about but not too many.

WE arrived in plenty of time an were given a right Royal welcome.  The food was delicious, although a litte spicy for me, I managed to avoid most of that by a well described menu.  The service was outstanding and fantastic sumptuous surroundings.  It felt like a really great night out.

It was very quiet on the way out and we got home at 9.10 pm - I KNOW a REALLY late night out for us these days!!!

Today I have felt a little yuck, partly to do with the spices but mostly to do with the large glass of wine I had.  I rarely drink these days so when I do have a drink, especially wne, it affects me.  Also spices do to and I have to avoid tumeric and cumin.  Still it was a great night out.  Next time I may look for a good Italian restaurant, there must be some around.

Hubby went to Barrow to do a couple of thinkgs that he needed today as the weather has been so dreich that he couldn't get onto his allotment or garden.  He said Barrow town cenre is looking very sad now, especially in such dreich weather.  Such a shame as Barrow has some amazing buildings.  However he did what ne needed to and came home drenched.

G and I put off our proposed visit to Manjushri and I'm glad we did.  The photo of the hydrangea is taken from the window as it was too wet to go out.  The collages in extras are from last night.

That's all from me for today.  Do take care and stay safe. 

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