Everyone Is Looking

There were 4 cars and an ambulance outside when I headed off to the shop at 7am.
They were still there when I got back and were there for a fair while later.
It transpires that our eldest neighbour had died.
She has been disabled for quite a number of years and totally housebound. Her husband died coming up two years ago and to be honest, I am surprised she held on for as long as she did but, as her husband used to say ... "She was a stubborn woman".

SWMBO got her second set of glasses today and then we went hunting for a cord to attach to my glasses (it makes it so much easier just to have them hang round the neck when taking pictures). It would appear that nobody sells then these days; I suspect there is no profit in them these days. So we went to the hobby shop and I bought a length of thin cord and I have made one myself. I also bought some felt to put on the bottom of the lamp bases for Kirsty, so they are now finished.

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