
The colours weren't strong and they certainly didn't last long, but it was nice while it lasted.
After breakfast SWMBO and I headed off to Glenrothes where I picked up bought more wood; only 1 round (to replace the piece I used for Kirsty's lamp bases) as there weren't really any of the size or wood type I was after.
Still, after SWMBO saw the place and the prices she understood why the trip there every so often is worth it.

Then it was over to Culross where I dropped off said light bases.
I gave her the price - she gave me twice as much.
What a nice woman.

After lunch we had a wee wander round some of the old part of the village... the weather was glorious.
I didn't go along the pier to where the old (1500s I think) mineshaft entrance was.

After we crossed over the Forth on the way home the heavens opened ... and the pain in my thumb and pinkie on my left hand kicked in. I think I need to try and see a doctor just to confirm it is arthritis.
we tried getting some cheesecake from two different makers on the way home. Both have closed - however, the one in Livingston hasn't so we didn't need to make the diversions.

Pictures start here and end at the origami flower.

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