A Stunning Day!

Thank you all so much for the many hearts and stars on yesterday’s post - I’m most appreciative!

I slept for 10 hours last night and was pretty much restored today. We took off from the Airbnb in Rangarping eystra and headed east with the intention of gazing at a famous waterfall. However there were so many tourists there that I whined and we departed fast! I bought an eBook and map written by an American who moved to Iceland a few years ago, which I finally remembered about this morning...so pulled it up and we ended up finding some phenomenal sites.

In the extras: Dranguriin
Which has a fascinating history, including elves.
Dryholaey peninsula - a phenomenal peninsula overlooking the Atlantic with astonishing rock formations and a lighthouse.
Kverna Foss (waterfall) a lesser known but stunning waterfall about a mile behind the Skogar Museum.

I’m a little less dexterous with my iPad, so forgive my spelling and other mistakes if you run across them!

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