Exposed Roots

This tree is usually on the bank of Santa Rosa Creek with its feet in the water. Weather, in the form of climate change and drought, has dried up that whole arm of the creek and exposed the complicated root system of the California Bay Laurel growing there. The tree is very large and stills looks quite healthy which I think is due to the fact that the roots are quite extensive.

Looking at the photos tagged for this challenge I noticed how many of them were taken straight from nature with very little changes made. This lead me to think about how nature itself can be quite abstract and certainly unpredictable. I think that I read somewhere that there are no right angles in nature. Maybe this has something to do with why we all like to talk about the weather so much....everyone can have an opinion about it.

Fran and I had another zoom seminar with David MacEuan, a pollster and political scientist. I have to say that his efforts to make predictions based on numerous unpredictable things, accompanied by numerous charts and graphs once again left me skeptical and uncertain as to its usefulness.  I think my frustration (or lack of interest) comes from the fact that his job is defined by being objective and detached from events, whilst I tend to get overly emotional about them.

Perhaps understanding the current political climate lies somewhere in the middle of those two extremes. 

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