Flawed Genius

I can identify with this book, being a bit of a flawed genius myself. (:  Not that I was ever anything but hopeless at football, but I did aquire a love for the game at an early age. Those warriors in dark blue and white, who flickered across our tv screen, vanquishinfg the hapless men wearing white shirts. I've always had a soft spot for the football maverick - Best, Baxter, and even Willie Johnston, the winger who purchased a greenhouse from a man in the crowd during a match. But the ulitimate flawed genius was probaby Willie Hamilton.
     Even as a Hibs fan, I came too late to the plate to know anything much about him. All I've seen are flickering images on Youtube. He is included in this book and quite rightly. You can catch a glimpse of him here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3Z0Qa7sjDg
    Jock Stein, possibly the greatest of all Scottish football managers said: "Think of Kenny Dalglish. If you think he was a good player, you should have seen Willie Hamilton." Unfortunatley, I never did.

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