Storm Approaching?

It wasn’t until I was out of the house that I realised how windy it was this morning. I had noticed how quickly the clouds were scurrying across the sky but the sea didn’t appear too rough and so there were plenty of us stripping off and stepping confidently into the brine. It was then that the wind of 29mph with gusts of 40 mph became apparent. To a city girl, this is windy - to the Orcadians it’s a stiff breeze. However you describe it, the gusts sent spume whipping into our faces as we bounced in the water. At times it felt like a salt water facial exfoliation. I noticed that not even the most hardened swimmers attempted to go past the red buoy.

I have had a punnet of plums lying around being uneaten because they were a bit hard and tasteless, but having found a bag of sugar left by a previous tenant, I committed them to a pan and made something resembling plum compote. I felt that needed yoghurt to go with it, so out I went for it, taking in a wander round the harbour before the predicted rain appears.

The harbour was full of bobbing boats and busy fishermen on land duties. I can’t imagine any of them has time to grace the chair in my blip.

Once home I watched in fascination as the Hamnavoe returning from the mainland took its time inching into its berth backwards. Usually it docks facing forward and backs out when leaving.

Erlend is having the day off. He overdid the fish and chips last night.

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