The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Greens Hold Stroud Central

Alternative image here, follow up to yesterday's shot

This was the sign outside John Marjoram's house today. I blipped his house yesterday. He is the Green ex-mayor of Stroud. Tosca of the beautiful name ( Tosca Sofia Antonia Cabello-Watson) came second in the election. The other three candidates did not bother to campaign.

Conservatives LOST control of Gloucestershire County Council. This has to be good news, as the previous council was responsible for trying to close down the libraries in three of the most deprived areas of the county, and trying to bring in private medicine through the back door. They've been taken to the High Court for these actions several times, and shown no signs of repentance, let alone admitting they were in the wrong.

There have been gains by the UKIP. I worry about their motives. But, in Stroud Central, the Greens got in, and Labour won the adjoining seat. As long as it's Red of Green, I'll sleep tonight.

PS Sorry if you came by earlier and found no text. I had not been struck by lightning: just had to go out to a gathering. And now, at last, it's time to rest!

Happy weekend, blippers.

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