
By mollyblobs

Spectacular Rustgill

The LCT reserve volunteer's picnic lunch was held today at Torpel Cabin, and I'd been invited to join them. I felt a bit of a fraud as I don't really do any practical conservation management, but I do attend the Reserves Committee and provide quite a lot of ecological advice. The food was amazing - such a varied selection of salads, quiches, sausage rolls, mini-pasties - just splendid. And we were able to sit outside in the autumn sunshine. I was almost too full for dessert but managed to squeeze in a small piece of chocolate brownie and some lemon trifle.

After the lunch many people set off for a walk, but I stopped to Chat to Kathryn, and then headed off to Rice Wood for a quiet walk on my own. The fungi are still relatively sparse, but there were a few including this young group of Spectacular Rustgill, on the same stump as last year. 

In the evening I was supposed to be attending the award presentation for the Wildlife Trust's photography competition that I helped to judge. However, not long before I was due to depart, our elderly cat Poppy had a funny turn and started walking round in circles and bumping into things. I didn't feel I could leave her so cancelled at the last minute. 

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