Grape Juice

AW has been giving me glasses of fresh grape juice these past few days -- divine!  The vines came from our old vines in Oudenbosch.  We left those vines there and just took cuttings.  During Son's birthday last week, his MIL told me that she'd been to our former house.  She doesn't know if the man living there now is the same one who bought the house from us years ago, but, if he is, his wife must have passed away because he's now all by himself.  If it is another man, then we have no idea.  Whoever it is, though, the house is practically bare, the fruit trees look untended, weeds are having a field day in the front yard and growing through the cracks on the driveway.  The inside of the house does look neat (thanks to her!) but this could also be because there's not much stuff in it.  She said it feels a little desolate.  While we do not miss our old place, we still find it a pity that it's being neglected.  That said, it's out of our hands, innit.

AW spent most of the afternoon at friend Gub's place (the same guy who sent me to Germany last year).  While he was gone, I began the tedious task of cleaning my little workroom.  Tedious not because I didn't want to do it, but because I can be rather fussy about where to put what or what to move, what to throw away, what to keep.  Work continued long after he arrived home, and after dinner and kitchen duties, almost right up to bedtime.  I am not yet done.  The favourite part, my desk, will have its turn tomorrow.  That'll be something.  :D)))

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