Pear Slices

Our pear tree produced only one pear this year, and I almost forgot to shoot it.  Three pieces left, half had already been devoured by AW, and this plate was filled with my half.  It was very, very yummy, so all gone now.  Maybe next year there will be more.  We shall wait and see.

A day spent MOOCking, communicating with the Viking and Mimi, and clearing and rearranging the wide plank of wood that serves as my desk.  Not finished yet with the odd bits, but the most important part is done.  In between, there were supermarket errands and kitchen duties, some gaming, and AW picked up Teqla.  It was only a matter of reconnecting some cables of the clutch, and it didn't cost a thing as this happened within the warranty period.  I had no time to correct homework today, but then I need to remind myself that I am technically supposed to work only for a brief number of hours per week.  Very intensely, sure, but nonetheless limited, and I will not make the mistake I often made before of thinking that more hours will mean more appreciation from anyone.

Did consider going on the hunt today as the weather was more than cooperative, but the phone conversations with MNL were important, as was the cleaning of my desk.  There will be other times, maybe even later this week.

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