
By dunkyc

If you just smile

BIG day for The Eldest today! She finally got her loathed braces off and was so happy about it that she was willing to pose for a photo and also smile in that photo!!

Anyone who has ever raised a teenager will tell you that this is no mean feat! I’m really happy for her as I know how much she has longed for this day and it is nice to see that smile back on her face.

Work was stressful but had a positive outcome as I’d been able to talk round a client who - through no fault of our own - had been on the verge of leaving us last week. We’ve still got a job on to keep them in the long time (it’s one of those David v Goliath deals) to remain, but at least we’ll be given the opportunity to put our recommendations forward. I’m already twirling my slingshot…

I think the beta blockers are doing their job, but in the meantime there is some nausea and fatigue to deal with. These are expected side effects and from what I have read they can take a couple of weeks to settle in, so I’m sure it will all be fine.

After the testing day, dropping The Eldest back and tidying up the house after the whirlwind of the children blew through, I was ready to crash out!

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