Cyflymder y falwen

Cyflymder y falwen ~ Snail's pace

“Slow down, take time, allow yourself to be wildly diverted from your plan. People are the soul of the place; don't forget to meet them and enjoy their company as you explore a place.”
—David duChemin

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Aethon ni i Barc Bute ar ein beiciau'r prynhawn 'ma. Mae'r Parc yn eithaf agos i ni, ac yn rhedeg i lawr i ganol y dre. Stopion ni ar Gaffi’r Ardd Gudd am baned a chacen cyn crwydro yn araf trwy'r coed. Gwnaethon ni ffeindio ardal lle'r oedd gweddillion coed wedi eu cerfio i wahanol anifeiliaid. Gwnaethon ni edmygu’r sgil a digrifwch y cerflunwyr.  Roedd e'n dda i archwilio'r lle hwn.

Ar y pwnc o grwydro yn araf, dywedais unwaith fy mod yn symud yn arafach na malwen. Rydw i'n byw tuag hanner cilomedr o'r tŷ lle ganwyd fi. Rydw i'n nawr 556714 awr oed. Felly fy nghyflymder yw 0.089 centimetr yr awr. Mae malwod yn gallu gwneud 46.8 centimetr yr awr. Maen nhw'n llawer cyflymach na fi.

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We went to Bute Park on our bikes this afternoon. The Park is quite close to us, and runs down to the center of the town. We stopped at the Secret Garden Cafe for a cup of tea and cake before wandering slowly through the woods. We found an area where the remains of trees had been carved into different animals. We admired the skill and humour of the sculptors. It was good to explore this place.

On the subject of wandering slowly, I once said that I move slower than a snail. I live about half a kilometre from the house where I was born. I am now 556714 hours old. So my speed is 0.089 centimetres per hour. Snails can do 46.8 centimetres per hour. They are much faster than me.

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