Ffrwyth terfynol

Ffrwyth terfynol ~ Final fruit

“The smell of autumn is in the air, like a pencil being sharpened in a damp church by someone who has recently smoked a pipe.”

Paul Bassett Davies

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Heddiw gwnaethon ni pigo'r ffrwyth terfyn o'n gardd - Cwins, Gellyg a Kiwi. Rydyn ni wedi coginio'r cwins a'r gellyg wedi'u brifo ac maen nhw'n hongian mewn bag jeli, diferu. Mae rhaid i ni ddidoli gweddill y gellyg a gwneud yn siŵr eu bod nhw'n dda, ac yn coginio'r kiwis, sydd dal fel bwledi. A dyna fe am ffrwyth am y flwyddyn. Nesaf - tocio a thacluso yn yr ardd - a gwylio'r tymhorau'n mynd yn rownd eto.

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Today we picked the final fruit from our garden - Quince, Pears and Kiwi. We've cooked the quinces and the bruised pears and they're hanging in a jelly bag, dripping. We have to sort the remaining pears and make sure they are good, and cook the kiwis, which are still like bullets. And that's it for fruit for the year. Next - trimming and tidying up in the garden - and watch the seasons go round again.

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