The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Cloudy weather at Immaculate Conception

Snapped outside the Catholic church on my way out of work.

What can I tell you? I've been taking a blip break for a couple of days. Just too tired to muster the extra energy.

Today was the big day: we got a phone line restored to our office. Yesterday I rediscovered the missing desks. Things are looking up. However I spent the day moving from room to room because cables were being threaded through the ceiling.  I have lost productivity over the last few weeks without a decent phone connection, that is for sure.  

I also went on a home visit, up the hill, and then had to walk down the hill to the Slad Valley and  town, and back up into the Golden valley to get home. Phew! Glad my mother's new sheltered housing flat is not built on a steep hill, like the sites in Stroud. 

Discovered that a winter coat I'd ordered had got lost in the system. it does not exist, and my order had fallen into a cyberbin. The company apologised and gave me refund and a 10 pound voucher. I spent the next two or three hours looking for another coat. Found one, found an online discount code, and have ordered that instead. I still have the voucher, of course. Maybe it'll be handy at Christmas when I'm looking for something for our mother. I've been buying blouses for her online and in charity shops, because apparently she lacks suitable clothes now. I feel sad that I can't be with her to hold them up against her or get her final approval. 

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