Our Girl in Action

We got up at 5:30 so we could drive two hours to watch Brooklyn’s 8:00 am soccer game. Her team is playing in a mid-Atlantic tournament this weekend. It was cold and breezy. Glad I wore two layers of clothing, my winter coat, gloves and a blanket-wasn’t cold like some folks. They lost 3-1 to a NY team. Our girl may have been exhausted from several days of trying out for her middle school basketball team. She was selected so it paid off in one way. While we were waiting for her 1:00 game, I took a short nap until time for lunch. We found a Glory Days Grille that has tasty salads. Brought one back for Kim. Chick Fil A delivered the team’s lunch. We lost game two 1-0 against a WV team. We just couldn’t make a goal even though all the girls played hard and made some great plays. If they win tomorrow, hubby and I are banned from future games- not really. It seems like forever since we have watched her play. The team forgot the losses as soon as they left the field. One of their former players/friend had moved to PA at the end of last season. She and her team were at this tournament and she surprised the girls. You should have seen the tears of joy. Made me teary eyed as well. Not sure why but we took a “scenic” route home, through urban northern VA. Hubby used to live there and I often had business meetings there. It has certainly built up even more in 15 years. I predict we’ll both take a nap seconds after getting home. Thanks for visiting. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. It is supposed to be even colder tomorrow. Glad our activities will be inside. Stay safe. “In football (soccer), the result is an impostor. You can do things really, really well but not win. There’s something greater than the result, more lasting – a legacy.” – Xavi - Spain international player

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