Enjoyable Day with Friends and Family

We had a Fourth Degree KofC installation of officers after 11:00 am Mass. That gave us time to have a leisurely morning. We’ve made many wonderful friends with the Knights over the years. We always enjoy spending time with them. The lunch and fellowship after the installation was so pleasant. We stopped at the park by the church to enjoy the calm scene of Breton bay. A few years ago, they found unexploded ordinance in these waters. Yikes. Mancil W. and Parker came over after we got home. River is visiting tomorrow and he loves trains. The boys helped me set up the toddler train/farm sets they played with when they were younger. It was fun hanging with them. And I expect River will be happy to have new toys to play with. Mancil R. rewired hubby’s front brake line on his electric bike today. He picked it up while the boys helped me. Mancil W. is very interested in photography. He wanted to get a few shots while he was here. Parker’s ATV decided to act up. He and hubby tried to troubleshoot the problem to no avail. They moved it off the driveway and Mancil took him home. Parker and his dad will work on it tomorrow. Hubby went to the grocery store for a few items. We will spend the rest of our Sunday reading and planning the coming week. Sure hope your weekend was as nice as ours. Thanks for dropping by. Stay safe. “Sunday is a wonderful day to spend in the circle of your family and friends. You can set the mood for the whole week today!” - Unknown

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