The birthday girl.

A colder crispy sunny day.  I went off to meet my walking friends for Alison's  delayed birthday coffee morning.  It was lovely to catch up with everyone.  There are three hip replacements, three knee replacements and one shoulder replacement with another one pending but everyone bar me is still going for proper walks with one going off for a three week walking trip in the far east.  It was a really enjoyable morning.  In the afternoon I went to the pharmacy to have my ears checked out as I thought I had a problem with wax.  Turns out both ears are free of wax and the hearing problem in one ear may be  due to sinus trouble or hearing loss. So now I have to use a sinus spray to see if that solves the problem and, if it doesn't I need to see an audiologist. What fun it is to get old.  Shakespeare's  Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything, comes to mind. 

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