Ballad of Prison

These clamps are 42 years old.  Bought them in Hong Kong when I travelled abroad for the first time.  I was with Jay and our aunt, Flor Mac.  The woman who financed this trip gave us some pocket money.  Because this was the first time we travelled without her, while we did not spend it all, we were nonetheless excited about what we could do with it, limited as it was.  I spent part of mine on these clamps.  It was originally a set of four, but the fourth one broke a few years ago.  Since they are all of the same age, I thought I had better take care of the remaining three.  I did not get to use these till about 22 years ago, after this woman's death.  Finally, I could enjoy them.

I have now been using them to clip together some of the various documents in connection with Jay and the same Flor Mac, because Flor Mac is now involved with the ongoing case.  She was, in fact, the subject of the ZOOM meeting the Viking, Mimi, and I held in the wee hours this morning.  I did not hear the alarm but when Mimi phoned to say that she had finally arrived at the Viking's headquarters, I was instantly awake.  We talked for about half an hour, but I did not feel sleepy right away afterwards.  It took another 2 hours before I returned to bed.  And then, I woke up even ahead of AW.

My application at the other academy has been received, but I had to do it again online so that I could be entered digitally into the system.  No problem.  The rest of the day included supermarket errands, kitchen duties, MOOCking, and some gaming.  Only at the end of the day did I review my schedule for tomorrow.  Of course, I'm prepared.  As for the rash, I now think it was caused by stress.  Not about work, fortunately.

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