Can You Tell What It Is Yet?

Last night I tried to jet shots of the Harvest Moon when it was at its prime, low down on the horizon.
Thick cloud put paid to that.
But Before I went up to bed you could see it ..... through a haze. It cleared up a few minutes later, but of course there was no colour.

This morning when I went to feed the cats, I went prepared with a long lens to get the moon where I saw it yesterday.
It wasn't there! ... Just clouds.

I have more new drop offs (as do other volunteers) and Adam was saying he is going to have to see about trying to recruit another couple of drivers. That would suit me - 9 bakers' trays do not fit in my car. It took a lot of rearranging to get everything into 8 to fit in.

Since it was dryer today, I took a handful more of the artwork.
The lead shot is taken at an angle as I walked round it. This is what it looks like straight on.

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