
In all its glory!  The colours within the trees are hotting up. Of course this Rhus looks fantastic every year but even so I look forward to seeing it. 
I had one of those mornings.. I slept in which never helps anything.  With an online session booked for this morning I ran out of time to get a coffee inside me before I started and then within minutes of settling in the cat made a strange sound.. I hopped up to look what it was up to only to see a live mouse heading rapidly into the kitchen.  Unfortunately my husband had left the living room door open so the mouse duly headed in there which is a more complicated space when it comes to mouse hunting.  Arghgh.. the next quarter of an hour was spent hunting a mouse.. much to the amusement and entertainment of the cat who thought this was a splendid bit of fun!  It ran up both sets of curtains before we managed to catch it under a large glass candle jar and get it outside once more relatively unharmed. By then I had missed so much of the zoom session I couldn't really enjoy the rest.. ah well. At least the mouse survived and I can get a recording sent.. I hope. 

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