
This body of water is known as Pienaars River and is affected by the nearby Roodeplaat Dam. It creates a tranquil vibe and on the way to the meeting room this week I’ve enjoyed lingering on this deck. Hugely grateful to be in a hotel with this scene adjacent.

In the SADC bloc, the member states rotate the chairing every year. Malawi has recently passed it to the Democratic Republic of Congo, who will hand it over to Angola next year. Therefore the focal point from the DRC has been required to make welcome and farewell addresses at this meeting. He has been quite the character. Today he likened tourism potential in the Southern Africa region to a group of children suckling from a mother’s breast, needing to ensure that all receive their share, although some will always suckle harder than others.

As meetings go, this week has been a fruitful and enjoyable one with a good crowd. In the evening I headed towards Johannesburg Airport for a flight to Dar es Salaam, arriving at an ungodly time in the middle of the night.

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