Minimal Lettuce?

Jerra is involved in repairing one of the "domestic" Seats in The Wagon.
When buying these, the purchase rate was that small bag full of whatever size for a fixed fee.  He apparently had great difficulty taking away a less-than-full bag.  Daft till person was adamant he must fill it despite not needing them all.

Apparently gormlessness is international.  

This event brought to mind a number of incidents, one personal.  One, online, contributor told, a while ago, of asking for a Burger meal with "minimal Lettuce" and being told - "Sorry Madam, we only have Iceberg."

Another told of a Garage Door repair-person who said his/her motor, at 1/3 HP wasn't strong enough and what s/he really needed was a 1/4HP motor.  The rationale?  -  Four, being a bigger number than three, would be stronger. As s/he said - "I never used that firm again."

And - on a personal level, in one of our local Chippies 
(UK variety not US.)
my Bill came to, say, £4.35P; I handed the lad a Fiver+35P.
He asked, plaintively -  "What do I do? That's too much, I don't know what to do with that."
My response -  "Just tell the till what I've given you."
Poor kid was gobsmacked.

And, as we see online from time to time - "They live amongst us - and breed."

(: ¬ o )

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