Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Take Out

Today's choice - a Tufted Titmouse with bokeh provided by the changing leaves.  The light was exactly right to produce the lovely bokeh in the background - 10 minutes earlier or later and I wouldn't have gotten this.  Such is the nature of natural light.  The titmouse had just grabbed a sunflower seed and was preparing to take off - they almost never sit at a feeder, preferring to fly in, grab and see and take it to stash somewhere.  

The sounds in the garden today were a wildlife orchestra - the soft chips  and chirps of the feeding songbirds, an occasional deep whistling note of a white-throated sparrow, the chip and munk sounds of the chipmunks defending their territories, the thin high tzeee of cedar waxwings and the rustling of squirrels in the leaves.  There is a definite calming effect to taking time to listen to the symphony of the forest.

We had a great FT chat with my parents this morning - hard to believe that last week we were all sitting around the kitchen table chatting.  They are enjoying a run of warm weather in OR and managing to avoid the dense smoke that some areas are getting from the wildfires.  Anyway, they both looked and sounded great.

I'm still loving my Shark robot-vacuum, by the way.  I deployed Hammerhead in our bedroom today - how nice to just turn it loose in a room and then come back later to find the room all freshly cleaned. It's also made me realize how much our animals shed!!

Rain in the forecast tomorrow which means I will need to come up with some indoor activities for Jax.  Also set to get my flu jab tomorrow.  

Dark with dried cherries and nuts today.


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