New reality day 810

This is what it looks like when we walk on the sidewalk.

I still have one more walk left, but that will be done in the darkness.

Today my parents visited me on their way from Himos to Helsinki. I made us lunch and it was a nice break for their nearly 4 hour journey.

I also did some shopping in the morning. I bought some Christmas lights and a timer. Now I have two lights inside the house on timer, so Buddha doesn't have to be in the dark alone when he's waiting from us from work. It will also be nice to wake up and have little light in the living room.

I also raked our road sides. That took an hour of raking as fast as I could. I was dripping sweat.

Oh, also did a load of laundry in the morning.

All and all, I think I've been pretty good today.

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