New reality day 446

This is so called Beaver Pond in Lapakisto. The Lapakisto conservation area covers an area of 230 hectares, of which 18 hectares is covered by water. 

We visited the area closest to us. Just 5km from our house we can enter this recreational forest with plenty of routes with good signposts.

We walked about 9km and saw Seelammi pond, Beaver Pond, Kinnas Rapid, Rock Lake and Antinlammi Pond. The Rock Lake area was fabulous. It was high rock hill with steep edge to the huge lake. It was difficult to choose a picture for today.

The dogs didn't coma walking with us. It would have been too much for Nelson and it just doesn't feel good if we take one with us and leave the other home. I had not been in the area before, so it was also difficult to know if Buddha could do that walk. It could have gone either way with him.

After our two hours in the woods we came home with wolf-like hungers,

After lunch we had to continue yard work outside. My husband and our neighbor cut down one tree yesterday which had died. It had no leaves last summer. So they cut it and today we used the wood chipper on the smaller branches and stacked the cut pieces to a new log stack which will be for all the fresh wood that still needs to dry for a year before using it in the fireplace.

Tomorrow the lumberjacks will come early morning and cut down 5 trees from our backyard. So that fresh wood log stack is very much needed.

I also made a smaller stash for dry wood near our backyard door, so it will be easy to get some dry wood to burn. There's also one stack next to our storage shack outside for that purpose.

Naturally I have the fire going. Niklas just arrived. We'll make some dinner and do the sauna.

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