Gone Fishing

A tidying up and clocking out by 10am morning, so cars packed. Then, with fishing booked for the morning, Jon went and set up his stuff with Henry and Daniel. Thankfully it was a nice day.

This was the point at about 10.30 that he had the call to say his parents were heading home,not feeling up to the fishing. We were eventually joined by a few of the others who were also heading home. So eventually after no bites, the 4 of us did the same.

So au revoir to our first visit to Center Parcs after a nice family weekend, which succeeded in getting almost everyone in the family together. We may do it again, but I'm not convinced it is worth the money.

Home at about 3pm, unpacked and after everything was put away, we did a bit of gardening. Jon cut the grass nextdoor, and I did a bit more of the hedge so that the brown bin was full ready for Thursday.

Jon cooked dinner. We are going to muddle through until Thursday with what is in the freezer! Now tv and not looking gorward to work tomorrow.

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