O Autumn

Hubby got up early and fed kitties. They sure love this new soft food. Millie is actually putting a little meat on her bones. She came back to bed and snuggled with me for awhile. Our BIL came by and picked up all the food for our WV trip. Glad that job is done. I fed the birds and entered all the gifts I’ve bought into the spreadsheet. Then it was time to get ready for my gastro appointment. We scheduled my endoscopy and the doc sent my prescription to be filled. Stopped by the grocery store and saw a huge box of these colorful gourds. Could not resist getting a shot of them. Not sure I have seen the variety of color before. The leaves are falling rapidly. I misread the weather report. We aren’t getting temps in the 30’s until tonight or tomorrow night. But the plants are acclimating to being indoors and that is what’s important. We have our first frost advisory tonight. Hubby rode his bike for a few miles. The air was just a bit too crisp for him to ride far. He flushed our hot water heater today; what a job! Our DIL gave us more chicken taco ingredients so dinner is going to be easy. I provided a few groceries for her. Thanks for stopping by with gifts as well. Life is good. Stay safe. "October, baptize me with leaves! Swaddle me in corduroy and nurse me with split pea soup. October, tuck tiny candy bars in my pockets and carve my smile into a thousand pumpkins. O autumn!" – Rainbow Rowell

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