Seduced by Seville

What a stunning city! Way too many photos and way too difficult to choose... we went round the Cathedral in the morning - largest Cathedral by volume in the world - absolutely impressive, almost too much to take in.

The main was down an alley from where Mike took his. Two extras: the Encarnación Mushrooms - huge wooden structures, with Roman ruins underneath, and the Guadalquivir River as night was falling, with some canoeists in the foreground.

Had a tapa tonight with a food item I´ve never had before - gulas (translated on the menu as "gluttony"!) - they are a Japanese invention, made from fish paste in the shape of baby eels (elvers), to avoid fishing the real thing. They were served with samphire on top of artichoke leaves and garlicky prawns. Quite good, but don´t think I'll ever develop a craving for them.
Here, the article I read to find out what they were.

- this time to get more of a feel for Seville, lots of memories of over 40 years ago, and a day a few years ago with Jan and Keith, but feel I've grasped it better today
- Mike tolerating the sightseeing, though not his thing
- a surfeit of impressive architecture from all different ages

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