Dinner guests

It's been a busy Sunday, but I did have an hour this afternoon sitting down! Unheard of at the weekend.

I did get a lie in though, and got up after Jon and Henry had set off for archery. Prepared all the veg for dinner for 7 of us, then went out with mum and Chris to an antiques fair in Cley. The weather has been dismal all day, but there were still lots of people at the fair. We spent nearly 2 hours there. Lots of interesting things and I was tempted by lots, and bought 3 separate things for £5 each. One a Christmas present, one a pot trivet that is not vintage, but identical to one I have already (bought on my honeymoon - what an odd thing to buy!) Lastly, a small handbook on BSA C11 250cc (dad has left this bike) that covers 1949 model which we are trying to get going.

Home for lunch, when I sat in the conservatory and listened to the Archers on catch-up. Jon continued to sort boxes of paperwork. It's a thankless task.

I prepared dinner for 7 of us. Dan turned up followed by Mollie who had been working today. Mum and Chris came once I was ready to dish up, and we had a really nice roast pork dinner. The meal I am best at, no matter how many of us! Mum had made an apple crumble which we had with custard,cream or ice cream, or a combination of the 3!

Now they are watching Dr Who. I never really know what's going on, so I'm not concentrating....

Working in Cromer tomorrow meeting pension scheme members at the pension clinics we offer annually. Hoping I don't get any questions I can't answer!! It will be nice to get out!

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