The end of the day

Today has been wet and gloomy, and at teatime, as the sky darkened and rain lashed the windows, I decided it was time to take some quick photos of the William Morris book I was enjoying with my coffee earlier. Half an hour later, strangely yellow light alerted me to a spectacular evening sky. From the balcony, a huge rainbow stretched above the valley and behind the roof to the south and east, while to the west, above our overgrown shrubs and hedgerow trees, billowing peachy, orange and deep mauve clouds rolled above a narrow band of clear blue sky. By the time I put my shoes on and rushed out onto the road for a clear view of the rainbow, it was fading into the dark grey clouds, but apart from a few rain spatters on the lens, the photos from the balcony were surprisingly close to what I remember seeing; only the clear blue above the trees has dazzled into white.

J has been looking forward to tonight's Dr Who extravaganza all day year, and is duly delighted and working out what she wants to contribute to the conversation on Twitter. I have been following the news, and although there is no possible good outcome to the UK's current political mess,  I was relieved to learn from the Guardian live feed a little earlier that at least I could enjoy my tofu in the knowledge that the worst possible outcome has been averted.

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