Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom


First, I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who left stars and hearts and lovely comments on my milestone blip yesterday!!  I’ll get started on responding individually tonight but probably won’t finish until tomorrow.  Thank you!
Piper isn't a bully, of course!  She's just enjoying one of her favorite bully stick treats.  The reason she got the bully stick was for being so cute.  We were feeding the squirrels (who aren't afraid of her), and she was so jealous that she kept pawing my leg.  When she got her treat, she went and lay down near where the squirrels were getting theirs, and everybody was happy. :-))
We got our “big shopping” done today.  The pantry is stocked, the freezers are full, and all household supplies are replenished.  Now we only have to make quick trips to the market when we’re out of fresh food.  It works well for us, but the big shopping day is never fun.  I am grateful that we won’t have to do it again for at least 3 months!

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